Brain Injuries

West Palm Beach Brain Injury Lawyer

Each year in the United States over one million people are treated in hospital emergency rooms for a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Almost one in four people who suffer a traumatic brain injury are hospitalized with 80,000 people suffering a lifetime disability because of a traumatic brain injury. Sadly, another 50,000 people die each year in the U.S. because of a traumatic brain injury. If you suffered a traumatic brain injury, or you lost a loved one because of a traumatic brain injury, you could be entitled to compensation from the party that caused or contributed to the injury.

A traumatic brain injury can cause serious, often irreversible, physical injury as well as result in emotional trauma that never fully goes away. Along with the physical and psychological damages a TBI can cause, it can be extremely costly to treat a traumatic brain injury, leading to financial hardship for the victim as well. If another party caused, in whole or in part, the accident that led to your traumatic brain injury, a West Palm Beach brain injury lawyer at Demand the Limits can help you pursue compensation and ensure that the negligent party is held accountable. If you suffered a traumatic brain injury or lost a family member because of one, let us put our commitment, experience, and resources to work seeking justice for you and your family. Contact us today by calling (561) 600-3555 or contact us online to schedule your free case evaluation.

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury is defined as “a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a blow, bump or jolt to the head, the head suddenly and violently hitting an object or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue,” according to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. A traumatic brain injury can cause bleeding and tearing that injure nerve fibers and cause inflammation, metabolic changes, and brain swelling that can damage brain cells. Doctors categorize a TBI by the severity of the injury as:

  • Mild. This is what we commonly refer to as a concussion. A mild TBI may be accompanied by a short loss of consciousness or no loss of consciousness at all. While a single mild TBI does not usually lead to lasting injury, repeated mild traumatic brain injuries can cause lasting injury.
  • Moderate. A moderate TBI can cause a loss of consciousness from a few minutes to hours and may cause lethargy, vomiting, and/or convulsions. A moderate TBI may cause long-term injury.
  • Severe. A severe TBI may cause the same symptoms as a moderate TBI along with an extended period of unconsciousness, coma, or even death. Immediate surgery is often needed for a severe TBI to relieve pressure on the brain and to prevent further damage.

What Causes West Palm Beach Brain Injuries?

The most common causes of traumatic brain injury will depend, to some extent, on the age of the victim. Nevertheless, according to figures published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most common overall causes of a TBI include:

  • Falls. Accounting for approximately half of all TBIs, falls are the number one cause of TBIs. For older victims (age 75 and older), falls account for a considerably higher percentage of TBI injuries.
  • Motor vehicle crashes. While car accidents cause about 20 percent of all traumatic brain injuries, they are the number one leading cause of fatal traumatic brain injuries in children.
  • Struck by an object. Being struck by or against an object was the second leading cause of TBI-related emergency room visits. Workers employed in the construction trades are at particular risk of suffering a “struck by an object” traumatic brain injury.
  • Sports injuries. Teenagers and young adults are at significantly greater risk of suffering a sports-related TBI.
  • Violence. A traumatic brain injury can also be caused by suicide, homicide, or an intentional assault. When a firearm is involved, the likelihood of a TBI occurring increases dramatically.

Am I Entitled to Compensation for My Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury can lead to lifelong disability and a lifetime of costly medical bills. If the wrongful or negligent conduct of another party caused or contributed to your traumatic brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation. For example, if a negligent driver caused an accident that resulted in your TBI, the negligent driver could be responsible for compensating you for your injuries. Because of the diverse ways in which a TBI can happen, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced West Palm Beach brain injury lawyer to discuss who might be held legally liable and, therefore, required to compensate you for your injuries.

What Compensation Might Be Available in a West Palm Beach Brain Injury Accident?

As the victim of a traumatic brain injury, you could be entitled to recover both economic and non-economic damages from the at-fault party (or parties). Economic damages are provided as compensation for the objective, easily quantifiable expenses related to your injury and include things such as:

  • Doctor and hospital bills
  • Lost income and wages
  • Specialized medical equipment and medications

Non-economic damages are provided to compensate an injured victim for the subjective, less easily quantifiable costs associated with an injury, such as:

  • Disfigurement or scarring
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Physical pain and emotional distress

If you are a surviving family member of someone who suffered a fatal West Palm Beach traumatic brain injury you may also be entitled to compensation in a Florida wrongful death lawsuit for things such as lost future earnings, pain and suffering, and the loss of guidance and companionship.

Get Help from an Experienced West Palm Beach Brain Injury Lawyer

As the injured victim or surviving family member of a traumatic brain injury, you should be fully and fairly compensated for your injuries or loss. In addition, the party, or parties whose wrongful or negligent conduct caused or contributed to the TBI should be held legally accountable. An experienced West Palm Beach brain injury lawyer at Demand the Limits has the experience, dedication, and resources needed to pursue the parties responsible for your injuries or loss to get you the maximum compensation available. Your West Palm Beach brain injury lawyer can help in several key ways, including:

  • Helping you locate the best medical care possible for your injuries.
  • Identifying the at-fault party or parties.
  • Uncovering the evidence necessary to prove fault.
  • Attempting to negotiate a favorable settlement.
  • Fighting for you in court when litigation cannot be avoided.

At Demand the Limits, our experienced West Palm Beach brain injury lawyers have the experience and resources required to successfully advocate on your behalf when a traumatic brain injury changes your life. We fight hard to defend the legal rights of all West Palm Beach injury victims. Call (561) 600-3555 or contact us online to schedule your free case evaluation. Don’t delay – the sooner you have an attorney fighting for you, the better protected your legal rights will be.

    Practice Areas


    Medical Malpractice
    Recovery for a client who suffered brain injuries due to a fall.


    Trucking Accident
    Recovery for a client who was injured while driving an 18-wheeler truck.


    Auto Accident
    Recovery for client injured in a car crash. Pre-litigation offer: $60k.


    Motorcycle Accident
    Recovery for our client who was injured in a motorcycle crash.


    Negligent Security
    Injured by security company’s failed gated community entrance.


    Motorcycle Accident
    Recovery for our client who was injured in a motorcycle crash.