
Trucking Industry & Self Driving Trucks

The trucking industry is booming. While we’ve all heard hints about self-driving trucks hitting the scene, most of us thought this was nothing more than a distant possibility. The fact is, these driverless behemoths are already out there, and one of them may be next to you on the highway. If you’ve been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence in a truck accident, don’t wait to consult with an experienced Boynton Beach personal injury attorney.

CNN’s 60 Minutes Reports

A segment on 60 Minutes reports the following truths related to the trucking industry and to driverless semi-trucks:

  • The trucking industry handles about 70 percent of our nation’s consumer goods.
  • Trucking companies already have driverless trucks being put through their paces in testing phases.
  • The industry shares that it isn’t a matter of if we’ll have self-driving semis on our roadways but, instead, is a matter of when we will have them.
  • The race is on between tech disruptors and massive established tech companies to get there first – to put trucks without drivers on our roads (outside of the testing arena).
  • With the advent of self-driving semis, the trucking industry stands to pull in billions in additional profits – while truck drivers could stand to lose their careers and livelihoods.

Many truck drivers have been surprised to learn that driverless trucks are actually so far along in the process.

Maiden Voyage

An upstart tech company recently sent its own driverless semi out on a completely driverless maiden voyage, which is a first. Upon learning of the bold move, professional truck drivers have expressed genuine concern regarding a responsibility to safety. The other major players who are entering this brash new endeavor continue to have a backup driver on board when they send a truck on a solo run – for now. At least one of these entities, however, says it is on schedule to launch a fully autonomous semi sometime in 2021.

Safety and Accountability

Those companies who are racing to the finish line with self-driving trucks are quick to share their view that these massive machines will improve safety by eliminating human error and various forms of negligence. It’s important to point out, however, that the associated technology remains proprietary, which means that there aren’t a lot of actual safety statistics to consider. In other words, there is little transparency and minimal accountability involved to date. For that, we’ll likely have to wait.

Turn to an Experienced Boynton Beach Truck Accident Attorney Today

Trucking accidents – whether they involve a truck driver or a driverless truck of the future – are among the deadliest and most terrifying accidents on our roadways. If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in a truck accident, the intrepid personal injury lawyers at Demand the Limits Personal Injury Attorneys in Boynton Beach are unwaveringly committed to helping you obtain just compensation. We’re here to help you heal, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at (561) 853-2137 to schedule a free consultation today.

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